Why Gather?
To do the work.
What is the Work?
The work is to be of service to the Lake and all water by expressing love and appreciation to the earth, and in this case, the water, for all we have been given. It is to formally be in a reciprocal relationship with the earth, (understanding that all elements and aspects of the earth have spirit and are alive). It is to acknowledge that we are all connected, and are all one. It is to be in right relationship with the earth, the water, the elements, and spirits . The work is to express our love and appreciation in many ways. The work is to understand the impact of our appreciation, love, thoughts, focus, vision, and intention, on the health, balance, vitality of the earth. It is to be of service by offering gifts, songs, prayers/thoughts, foods, art, words, poetry, and much more to the water. It is based on practices of indigenous peoples including the Anishinaabeg; it is based on the principles explained by Dr. Emoto on the effect of our words, songs, thoughts about water; and it is based on what we have experienced through our previous gatherings.
Why together?
The impact of our service to water is increased when we combine our efforts with others. We learn and expand our perspective by including others. We bring a collective strength, beauty, and importance to our service offering when we are together.
There are other forms of service that many of us know, such as service to humanity (helping the poor), social action (health care reform, etc.) or service to someone who is ill (praying for someone ill), etc. There are also other forms of expressing appreciation that are service, like picking up litter on beaches, conserving water use, etc. We encourage these, but that is not the focus of what we are doing for these four days together on an Island in Lake Superior.
What is the type of service for the water in this four day time together?
-It is an intensive time to come together, away from other distractions, to focus our innate and unique powers toward appreciating and loving the lake.
-As we age, we have less energy and often less ability to physically do so much. It is a time to learn to use the power of being as a form of service.
-Focusing our attention on what is working well, what is beautiful, what is positive, what is possible, and what can be envisioned, is the most powerful way to create more of what is positive (rather than pushing against or trying to fix what is wrong).
-By coming together and holding and amplifying our positive focus and visions for healthy water, we can connect to the earth more fully and contribute greatly to her health and balance.
-By doing this kind of service, we commit ourselves to and connect more deeply with this specific place- Lake Superior and the spirits here.
-By joining together we can amplify our individual gifts multi-fold.
-We are using this time/space to explore the ways that elder women and all women can affect the health of the Lake and all water, using appreciation, love, and intention as action.
This is our SERVICE to the Lake.....the entire Gathering.
What to expect?
So the Gathering is not a vacation, retreat, spa, place to attend educational workshops, etc. though many will feel renewed , informed, and make new friends. The Gathering is not a time to listen to and be led by a famous speaker or teacher, though learning will take place and leaders will emerge. It is not the place to intend to be healed from an affliction or addiction, though some participants will be healed. It is not the time to teach others a belief, skill, or knowledge, but learning will take place. Those who have come to the Gathering years past may know what it is like, but it is completely different each year.
It is a time to join with a core group of women (the Gathering Planning Circle) who have spent a year and a lifetime, “asking” spirit what is next, preparing the sequence of activities, finding the pieces and parts, that will create the most powerful gift to Lake Superior and all water that we can imagine. The Planning Circle receives through meditation, journeying, etc. knowledge, visions, inspirations that flow from this “asking” , and that inform and shape the Gathering. It is a time to express our authentic selves directly to Lake Superior with the support and encouragement of the Gathering Circle. It is a time to become all that we can be, to offer our individual gifts into the bundle that is given to the Lake, believing that we are important, that we are enough, and that our collective efforts do create the positive future of this Lake and all water, for the next 7 generations and beyond.
There is no special prerequisite knowledge, skill, or experience to participate fully in this experience. There is the hope that you come with an open heart full of love and appreciation for the Lake. There is the hope that you come with an attitude of non-judgment embracing the many ways others express love and appreciation. There is the hope that you come willing to suspend your doubts and disbelief for four days to create the most beautiful gift imaginable for the Lake and all water.
There is the hope that you support the work of the Gathering Circle and trust that even if it is not all clear, that you will respect the process and choose what speaks to you. There is the hope that you allow yourself to experience oneness with diverse women, with this unique environment, with the days in the time that we are there, you will be able to express fully our/your amplified and unified gift of love and appreciation to the Lake.
Similar to attending a Gathering of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers: They determine what will be done, in what order, using what tools, at what time. You are invited to participate with them, but please respect their long preparation by following their lead during ceremony, knowing that there will always be surprises, spontaneous miracles, etc. The fee that you are paying covers only the costs of your food and room. The Gathering Planning Circle are all committed volunteers who have prepared together for many months and lifetimes this particular Gathering. You may participate or decline each step of the way.
This may be new to you, or not. This may be difficult for you, or not. This may be doubtful for you, or not. It may be confusing to you, or not. You may understand, or not. It may be frustrating, or not. It may be exhausting for some, or not. If you can hold the intention of the Gathering, stay in a place of love and appreciation, and flow with it, you will experience an amazing and fulfilling four days.
Know this:
You will be safe. You will be included. You will decide what you choose to participate in and what not. You will be able to express your truth. You will be respected. You will be loved and appreciated. You will be guided as much as you want. You will experience that there are many levels of understanding occuring at the same time. You will receive the information and understandings that are right for you.
Remember this:
Each year of the last five years, our gifts of love and appreciation were given, received, and acknowledged by Lake Superior and all water. That is important. (In 2013, the cranes and loons flew by when the dawn offering went into the Lake). We feel joyful knowing that our service has had a profound impact on the Lake and all water.
Does this resonate with you? Do you have questions? Will you come to do the service work together for Lake Superior?
We’re going to have a wonderful time together!
A selection of some activities:
Morning Tai Chi
Small Circle discussions
Fabulous meals together
Numerous visits to Lake Superior for ceremony, reflection, play, etc. Informal social conversations with extraordinary women
Night events under the stars
Dawn events with the beautiful sunrise
Playful drumming and singing with the Lake
Forest walk along the shores of the lake
Quiet reflective time
To do the work.
What is the Work?
The work is to be of service to the Lake and all water by expressing love and appreciation to the earth, and in this case, the water, for all we have been given. It is to formally be in a reciprocal relationship with the earth, (understanding that all elements and aspects of the earth have spirit and are alive). It is to acknowledge that we are all connected, and are all one. It is to be in right relationship with the earth, the water, the elements, and spirits . The work is to express our love and appreciation in many ways. The work is to understand the impact of our appreciation, love, thoughts, focus, vision, and intention, on the health, balance, vitality of the earth. It is to be of service by offering gifts, songs, prayers/thoughts, foods, art, words, poetry, and much more to the water. It is based on practices of indigenous peoples including the Anishinaabeg; it is based on the principles explained by Dr. Emoto on the effect of our words, songs, thoughts about water; and it is based on what we have experienced through our previous gatherings.
Why together?
The impact of our service to water is increased when we combine our efforts with others. We learn and expand our perspective by including others. We bring a collective strength, beauty, and importance to our service offering when we are together.
There are other forms of service that many of us know, such as service to humanity (helping the poor), social action (health care reform, etc.) or service to someone who is ill (praying for someone ill), etc. There are also other forms of expressing appreciation that are service, like picking up litter on beaches, conserving water use, etc. We encourage these, but that is not the focus of what we are doing for these four days together on an Island in Lake Superior.
What is the type of service for the water in this four day time together?
-It is an intensive time to come together, away from other distractions, to focus our innate and unique powers toward appreciating and loving the lake.
-As we age, we have less energy and often less ability to physically do so much. It is a time to learn to use the power of being as a form of service.
-Focusing our attention on what is working well, what is beautiful, what is positive, what is possible, and what can be envisioned, is the most powerful way to create more of what is positive (rather than pushing against or trying to fix what is wrong).
-By coming together and holding and amplifying our positive focus and visions for healthy water, we can connect to the earth more fully and contribute greatly to her health and balance.
-By doing this kind of service, we commit ourselves to and connect more deeply with this specific place- Lake Superior and the spirits here.
-By joining together we can amplify our individual gifts multi-fold.
-We are using this time/space to explore the ways that elder women and all women can affect the health of the Lake and all water, using appreciation, love, and intention as action.
This is our SERVICE to the Lake.....the entire Gathering.
What to expect?
So the Gathering is not a vacation, retreat, spa, place to attend educational workshops, etc. though many will feel renewed , informed, and make new friends. The Gathering is not a time to listen to and be led by a famous speaker or teacher, though learning will take place and leaders will emerge. It is not the place to intend to be healed from an affliction or addiction, though some participants will be healed. It is not the time to teach others a belief, skill, or knowledge, but learning will take place. Those who have come to the Gathering years past may know what it is like, but it is completely different each year.
It is a time to join with a core group of women (the Gathering Planning Circle) who have spent a year and a lifetime, “asking” spirit what is next, preparing the sequence of activities, finding the pieces and parts, that will create the most powerful gift to Lake Superior and all water that we can imagine. The Planning Circle receives through meditation, journeying, etc. knowledge, visions, inspirations that flow from this “asking” , and that inform and shape the Gathering. It is a time to express our authentic selves directly to Lake Superior with the support and encouragement of the Gathering Circle. It is a time to become all that we can be, to offer our individual gifts into the bundle that is given to the Lake, believing that we are important, that we are enough, and that our collective efforts do create the positive future of this Lake and all water, for the next 7 generations and beyond.
There is no special prerequisite knowledge, skill, or experience to participate fully in this experience. There is the hope that you come with an open heart full of love and appreciation for the Lake. There is the hope that you come with an attitude of non-judgment embracing the many ways others express love and appreciation. There is the hope that you come willing to suspend your doubts and disbelief for four days to create the most beautiful gift imaginable for the Lake and all water.
There is the hope that you support the work of the Gathering Circle and trust that even if it is not all clear, that you will respect the process and choose what speaks to you. There is the hope that you allow yourself to experience oneness with diverse women, with this unique environment, with the days in the time that we are there, you will be able to express fully our/your amplified and unified gift of love and appreciation to the Lake.
Similar to attending a Gathering of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers: They determine what will be done, in what order, using what tools, at what time. You are invited to participate with them, but please respect their long preparation by following their lead during ceremony, knowing that there will always be surprises, spontaneous miracles, etc. The fee that you are paying covers only the costs of your food and room. The Gathering Planning Circle are all committed volunteers who have prepared together for many months and lifetimes this particular Gathering. You may participate or decline each step of the way.
This may be new to you, or not. This may be difficult for you, or not. This may be doubtful for you, or not. It may be confusing to you, or not. You may understand, or not. It may be frustrating, or not. It may be exhausting for some, or not. If you can hold the intention of the Gathering, stay in a place of love and appreciation, and flow with it, you will experience an amazing and fulfilling four days.
Know this:
You will be safe. You will be included. You will decide what you choose to participate in and what not. You will be able to express your truth. You will be respected. You will be loved and appreciated. You will be guided as much as you want. You will experience that there are many levels of understanding occuring at the same time. You will receive the information and understandings that are right for you.
Remember this:
Each year of the last five years, our gifts of love and appreciation were given, received, and acknowledged by Lake Superior and all water. That is important. (In 2013, the cranes and loons flew by when the dawn offering went into the Lake). We feel joyful knowing that our service has had a profound impact on the Lake and all water.
Does this resonate with you? Do you have questions? Will you come to do the service work together for Lake Superior?
We’re going to have a wonderful time together!
A selection of some activities:
Morning Tai Chi
Small Circle discussions
Fabulous meals together
Numerous visits to Lake Superior for ceremony, reflection, play, etc. Informal social conversations with extraordinary women
Night events under the stars
Dawn events with the beautiful sunrise
Playful drumming and singing with the Lake
Forest walk along the shores of the lake
Quiet reflective time